1. Register with us
Once registered we'll get in contact with you within 48 hours to ask what medication you need. We then take charge of ordering and obtain your prescription from your GP to save you time.
Register now

2. Your prescription is processed within 24 hours
Our pharmacists check and dispense your medication. We're also on hand 365 Days a year should you have any questions. Just give us a ring.
Learn More

3. Your prescriptions are delivered free to your door
NHS prescriptions are delivered completely free of charge to any address in England- just let us know where to send yours.
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She is on a mission to make it safer and easier to receive your NHS repeat prescriptions.
'My team and I are here for you, and all your pharmacy needs. The beauty of being a smaller pharmacy, is that we can offer a personal service like none other, and a friendly face you know and can trust.'- Poonam Rai.
General FAQ's
Yes! We cover the cost of ordering and delivery, to ensure our service is free for our patients.
The only time you pay is if you usually pay for your NHS prescriptions, you will still need to pay the normal NHS fee - which is £9.35) per item. If you are exempt from this payment or have a pre-payment certificate, then you will not be charged. Just tell us when you register why you're entitled to free NHS prescription medication.
The only time you pay is if you usually pay for your NHS prescriptions, you will still need to pay the normal NHS fee - which is £9.35) per item. If you are exempt from this payment or have a pre-payment certificate, then you will not be charged. Just tell us when you register why you're entitled to free NHS prescription medication.
We can deliver you prescription to anywhere in the UK.
It usually takes no more than 48 hours after we receive your prescription for you to receive it at home.
It usually takes no more than 48 hours after we receive your prescription for you to receive it at home.
We have a dedicated team here, who will be able to answer any questions you may have about the service, your prescriptions, and much more.
Either call us: 024 7792 4124
Or email us: info@365pharmacist.co.uk
Either call us: 024 7792 4124
Or email us: info@365pharmacist.co.uk
Registering FAQ's
Registration is quick and simple. Fill in the registration form here or give us a ring on 024 7792 4124 and we will be happy to help.
Placing an order with us is simple, just give us a ring on 024 7792 4124 or use the my orders tab on your account to let us know what you need! If your surgery requires you to order with them directly, we can let you know what to do.
Our reminder service is there to help you to remember to order your medicines. We can send you a text, email or give you a ring up to 10 days before you are due to run out to remind you to place your next order!

Opening Hours
Monday – Friday 9am-5pm
Saturday – Sunday: Available for queries via messenger.
024 7792 4124